Bionic Ice Braid in Blue Camo
• Premium non-stretch superline utilizing innovative 4-carrier Balanced Braid Technology
• Constructed with micro-sized deniers of PE fibers, providing anglers with a round, limper and tougher braid with thread-like diameters down to 1/2 pound test
• Price $7.69
Perfect for all species of gamefish. Thin-diameter, no-stretch superbraid is extremely sensitive and ideal for fishing depths of 25 feet or more, and whenever you want solid hooksets when fishing large lures for big fish. Tie direct to lure in low-visibility conditions; use Bionic® Ice Fluorosilk leader in clear water.
• Constructed with micro-sized deniers of PE fibers, providing anglers with a round, limper and tougher braid with thread-like diameters down to 1/2 pound test
• Price $7.69
Perfect for all species of gamefish. Thin-diameter, no-stretch superbraid is extremely sensitive and ideal for fishing depths of 25 feet or more, and whenever you want solid hooksets when fishing large lures for big fish. Tie direct to lure in low-visibility conditions; use Bionic® Ice Fluorosilk leader in clear water.